Things have not been too easy since the transplant. I knew that things would not be easy and I have been going through some tough days since Thursday. All my doctors say that it is to be expected and that you just have to keep looking forward and know that there is going to be a light at the end of the tunnel. That you have to go through bad to get to the good. So I am trying to keep that in mind as I am struggling through these hard days. They think that I have mucacitous in my stomach because I have been unable to keep any food or liquid down. I have had really bad nausea and vomiting along with constant stomach pain. I have now been put on IV nutrition and fluids and most of my meds have now been switched to my IV as well. Needless to say I have quite the IV tree now, with more cords than a tree at Christmas. (:
I have been sleeping a lot of the day, some due to my meds and some just because it is easier to go about the day. They say that these things are happening probably because of the high dose chemotherapy and TBI that I received. The effects of them are just now starting to set in. I have to say that TBI better have done it's job because it sure did do a number on me. So there is some of what has been going on. I am going to try to update as much as I can. Hopefully things will start to look up sooner than later. In the meantime I am trying to keep strong and picture myself feeling a lot better in the coming weeks.
I am so sorry the last days have been so hard on you. Jaimie told me this morning you had been feeling pretty sick. ai had checked your blog constantly, and knew you were probably having a hard time since you hadn't written. I pray you start feeling better soon, that the positive side of all of this begins to shine through. I can't imagine how hard it has to be for you and your parents. Please know how much I think about you and how many people are praying for you.
God Bless and take care, Robin
Lyndsay, Hang in there girl. Better days are ahead. Rest in the knowledge that there are prayer warriors on their knees asking for a special touch from Heaven for you. I'm remembering these first days of the transplant with you.....There is no greater feeling than knowing that you are being cared for by the Great Physician.
I'm praying for you and thinking of you daily. Michelle Oldaker
rooting for you!
My heart goes out to you. I know this is hard, harder than anything I'll ever do. So I just pray that God continues to give you the strength to press through it and the Doctors the wisdom to assist you. Thank you for blogging and letting us all know how you are, even when it's obviously so difficult to do so. You are so strong and I admire that about you. See you soon.
Stay strong & God Bless you and your family,
Mike J.
I'm sorry you're having a hard time, hang in there. Hopefully you'll feel better day by day. I'm praying for you too.......
God Bless,
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