Mail time.... it is one of those things that you love and hate at the same time. Since getting diagnosed with Leukemia I have received more mail than I probably ever have before. One of the reasons why is all the wonderful insurance and medical bills that I receive daily. I have to say it is a bit overwhelming if I actually sit down and think about it. I have not done that very much because I know that my number one priority is to worry about getting better right now, but I am still trying to remain responsible as well. I handle as much as I can and know that the rest will have to wait until I am more able to grasp a hold of it. I have to admit though it all confuses me greatly. But for now I just have my little file box that I am going to try to keep organized.
As for the brighter side of mail time I have received so much love and encouragement through that mailbox. Numerous cards, letters and packages from family, friends and people all over the World that I have never even met. It has brought so much joy and comfort to me as I am going through this time in my life. I have been so blessed by the generosity and kindness of everyone. Today when I got the mail I had two large envelopes which both blessed me greatly. One was from a lady named Jessica who is from the HGTV message board. Her and her family have sent me so many things over the course of my treatments. Her daughter has send me music Cd's and she has sent me numerous letters and sewn projects. In this package she sent me Fall leaves pressed and made into sun catchers. They are amazing!!!! She knew how much I love fall and sent me a piece of it to enjoy here in California. My other package was from a friend of mine. Her name is Steph and she was a cook up at MWSB when I was a student. She is now a 3rd grade teacher overseas. She had told her class that I was sick with Leukemia and they made a book for me. When I started reading it brought me to tears. It was one of the most special things I have ever received in my life. These kids writing to me and saying they hope I get well and want me to come visit them. A couple of them also wrote me a story which was so sweet. It touched my heart so much! I am going to treasure that book forever.
UPDATE: Yesterday was another long day at the infusion center. I only needed half the magnesium I needed last time, so it was only a two hour infusion. But I also met with my Doctor and Bone Marrow coordinator for the first time since my discharge. They said that I am doing really well and things are looking good so far. Since my Magnesium has been so low lately they are going to up my mag. pills at home to 9 a day. That sounds like a lot but I guess compared to a lot of other people post transplant that is nothing. The reason post transplant patients have such low magnesium is due to the imunosuppresents that we take. The more imunosuppresents you are on the lower your mag. is. I am not on a huge dose right now so that is why I don't have to take as many mag. pills as others. Hopefully I can keep it that way because I take enough medications as it is. But my CBC is continuing to look good. My white count is up to 4.3 and my red blood cells are staying at a good level. I am scheduled for my first bone marrow biopsy a week from Monday, so that should tell a lot more of what is going on inside my body. As for at home things are getting better and I am having to learn my body all over again. I am learning how to strengthen my muscles again and how my stomach can handle food. It is a process and I am taking it day by day.
Hi Lyndsay,
It is so good to have you write again. The fall leaves are beautiful...what a great idea! But, the book is really amazing. What a special gift! It sounds like you are really making progress. Don't let all the insurance and bills get to you. It will keep. YOU are what matters right now. We will all be praying that the bone marrow biopsy shows you are continuing to do well, that your body is getting stronger and your donor cells have taken over. Hope to see you soon, Robin
I am so glad you are being showered with love! Thanks so much for the update... I love ya!
I'm so glad to hear you liked the book and that it got there in one piece. My kids will be excited to hear that, they've been asking about you. I'm glad you're home. That's got to be a lot more comfortable. Thinking of you!
Dear Lyndsay,
I'm so glad the envelope made it to you! Happy Fall !!
What a special book from your friend and the students,from overseas!
There's a lot of love in that!
Sending prayers that you continue to get good news from your doctors.
Glad to hear that you have some time away from the hospital - you'll get to move around a bit and gain your strength!
Lots of Love!
~ Jessica & family
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