Today was a another trip to San Diego to pick up some meds. I am very pleased to announce that for about four months now I have reduced my visits to the cancer center to once a month yay!!!!!. I get blood drawn and visit with my primary doctor now only 12 times a year. It doesn't sound to much when you sat it that way. I am super excited and have been enjoying a little more freedom and not being bogged down by needles or appointments of many sorts. I still have to get all my meds from the cancer pharmacy in La Jolla, so I do make more trips than I would like right now, but hopefully we can get them turned around where they can coincide with my appointments that I have monthly. I just can't believe that we are creeping up on the 3rd anniversary of my new life (when I received my transplant). It has been a long hard 3 years but I am almost off most of my meds and on my way to being my normal again. Wow never thought this is what I would be doing and spending my time for these years of my life recovering like this. But It has been such a blessing. I have truly discovered who I REALLY AM! I dug so deep down and asked myself a lot of hard questions about myself and what is truly important to me. I have learned who my true friends are that loved me when I gained all that weight from the steroids and looked quite different. Those that stuck by my side and encouraged me the whole way through, no questions asked are those that I want to invest myself in and give part of my heart to. There were many that I saw a selfishness in and run when things get too hard for their perfect world. I am not down with those sort of superficial relationships. I have met some amazing people out here in California and love the life I have out here and my group of people that love me from my old job in Montana. These are the people I want to invest my time and friendships with.
I have a prayer request I am just going to shout out there: I have had quite a few ups and downs in my health lately as always and I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and prayers as I try to make commitments to school and traveling. These are such things I really want to start doing. So pray for some consistency in my health that I may take the step on those things in my life. Thanks a bunch (:
Thanks for reading up on me again,
Many blessing to all the beautiful people God has blessed me with.
I am going to make an effort to revive this blog and get it going again. Stepping up and committing to something I know I can probably accomplish. YAY Friends, Let us journey through life together! What a wonderful life we have. I encourage you to take each day and live it to the fullest.
May your day be full of love and peace~ Lyndsay
I could barely believe my eyes when I saw a new title by your blog heading... I see your blog title everyday and it reminds me to pray for you and I wish I was better at letting you know how much I love you! I will be intentionally praying for your health! I hope you know you have a giant fan club in Team Forsythe out here in Bozeman! We miss you!
ps... I have thought you were absolutely without any question BEAUTIFUL throughout this whole journey... I have often wished I could share your suffering so you didn't have to so much!
I'm with Christa on this one - I rubbed my eyes when I saw the new title to your blog post! I check your blog almost everyday, wondering how you are doing (true story). Praying for you my friend - you are simply gorgeous inside, AND out!!!
I for one, am so proud of your heart and soul! I love that your body has had the strength to go through what id did and heal. Every 6 months or so, you're going to be able to see a difference! Keep up with all the healthy eating... it will reward you!
You can count on prayers!
We love you!!
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